Recently I've been working on writing a lot. I did finish the first draft of that script I've been working on since April. It's 98 pages which is 8 pages over my original goal. This 98 page script marks the first full length screenplay I've ever written. Going into it I didn't expect it to be very good, I was mainly writing it just to get used to writing something that long. The main difference I noticed between writing a feature length screenplay (between 90 and 120 pages) and a short film (max 60 pages) is that it requires much more commitment. It was truly a struggle to remain interested in the same story for several months, and I'm only done with the second draft. For now I don't plan to do anything more with it since it's not something I could actually film. This is mostly due to budget, since it's a sci-fi script, I would need a lot of different sets. Once again, I never wrote this script to be filmed, I simply wrote it for practice. Now I did learn quite a bit about developing characters and depth in a scene, but most importantly I learned that I can write something that long. Seeing as how it was approximately 10x longer than anything I've ever written. Overall, I would recommend for anyone planning on screenwriting to try their hand at a feature length screenplay. The reason being, at some-point you will have to and it's always better to get started early.
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