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Investigation - Writing (Hook)

Hook Your Audience

The start of your film can determine rather quickly if people will keep watching. In 2013 Microsoft released statistics showing that the average human attention span of that year was about 8 seconds. To give some perspective the average attention span of a gold fish is 9 seconds. Opening credits have all but been eradicated in the modern film industry. This is due to how quickly our audiences lose interest; being in a world that moves at a break neck pace. Since this is the case it is extremely challenging to capture and hold attention. For this investigation I will be analyzing how films capture the audience. I will also examine the effect these introductions have on the understanding of the narrative and characters present.

Indiana Jones

Although this film has opening credits, there is a considerable amount of movement happening in the frame. The way that Spielburg has the camera move with the characters on screen draws us in. We move with the characters which makes us feel as though we are part of the adventure taking place. the characters are also moving from left to right. Left to right movement is more natural to our eyes because that is the direction we read. This makes us as the audience feel as if we are going forward not backwards. The music and lighting match to create a mystifying tone. The unfazed behavior of Indiana show us that the strange environment and ruins are typical in his line of work. The hired hands frightened and jittery reactions juxtapose Indiana's reactions setting him apart from the group. The way his face is hidden from view for the first three minutes builds our anticipation. Moving onto how this introduction sets up the narrative. This short adventure tells us who Indiana Jones is and what he does, the main antagonist is revealed, and the conflict between Indiana and Belloq (the main antagonist) is made clear. The way that this story involves us, excites us, and informs us is what makes this a powerful introduction.

The Matrix

Unlike the previous example this film starts without opening credits. This film also applies the concept of movement to bring us into the story. However, in this example the repetitive and rhythmic movement of the numbers is what draws us in. This sort of movement transfixes our eyes on the screen. The movement of the camera acts as our own eyes. The camera does a slow zoom into the top telephone number just as if we were slowly entering the Matrix. This effect that we are entering the Matrix is brought on by the transitions and use of clever editing. The edit between the number and the image of the police man with the light at the end appears as if he is inside. This also has narrative context because later on we learn the Matrix is entered and exited through pay phones. The way that we are brought into the world through the digit of a telephone number links us to the world. The following action scene that transpires sets the tone and pace for the rest of the film. By waiting until the second act to explain how the matrix works we as an audience are immersed in the confusion. This emersion is assisted by the fact that certain characters, the policemen for example, are also confused. Overall, the matrix uses quick pacing, controlled confusion, and clever editing/transitions to guide and transfix the audience in this profoundly strange world.

Pulp Fiction

The final opening scene that I will analyze is from Pulp Fiction. I chose this scene because unlike the last two films this one starts with dialogue. I love using this example because most people, myself included, immediately associate dialogue with boredom. However, Tarantino shows us how we can use dialogue in our own films to insert interesting and insightful information. Right away this film starts with the line, "Forget it, it's to risky". Immediately we as an audience have questions: What's being talked about? What makes what too risky?  The next portion of dialogue clues us into the fact that this isn't the first time these characters have had this argument. By doing this Tarantino makes this characters live off the screen. What I mean by that is these characters appear to have already been having this conversation before we were aware of it. Tarantino does this a few different ways. He first starts the scene in the middle of a conversation. We are then made aware that similar conversations have previously transpired. Immediately we feel as if we as the audience have entered a three dimensional world. One that existed before we were aware and one that will continue to exist after we have viewed it. However, the most important aspect of a fully realized and immersive film is the characters. That is the third way that Tarantino immerses us into his world, his characters. Once you have built a connection between the audience and the characters tension is able to be utilized.

Mon - Brainstormed film idea

Tues - Decided on concept/theme for film

Wed - CVTV tour

Thurs - CVTV tour

Fri - Started studying how to write effective scripts


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