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MP3 Reflections

It was really incredible to see the vast improvements everyone made in their films this marking period. Aiden's latest film, The Aiden Rimmer Show: Chapter 3, is no exception. With this film it's interesting to see the improvements because it's part of a running series making comparisons easier. I recently went back and watched the original out of curiosity and this latest one just blows it out of the water. You can see the effects of his extended practice with editing from making the food frenzies. If I had to point to one specific element that improved most notably it would have to be the pacing. The film never seems to hold on a shot or a scene for longer than it needs. The story flows continuously, even in the way the camera moves. Where before he used a lot of locked off still shots, now he utilizes much more movement. For instance, the scenes with Patrick and Justin in the woods features a tracking shot. This sort of movement adds energy to the film and makes us feel like we're moving forward, keeping it from getting boring. Since I've been in the first and last show I've been able to see the changes in how Aiden works. I remember when we were filming the scene where he gets kicked out of the studio in the first chapter. It took us multiple days and many takes because he didn't really have it planned out. We eventually figured out what we wanted it to look like but it was a time consuming process. When I worked with Aiden in this last chapter it was completely different. When it came time to do a scene he already knew where he wanted people, he already had it scripted, and it went much faster. He even carried around a script and storyboard with him during the filming which made a big difference.

The next project I found interesting was Kyle's film You are You. Kyle's most recent films have been much more abstract and 'artsy' and I find it interesting. This latest one had a flow almost like a music video. The shots were well lit and composed, the editing had a rhythm and tone which stayed consistent throughout, and the choice of music was interesting. The shots are quick and poignant, nothing seems to drag. Watching this I felt like it had a really estranged vibe. Certainly follows the theme of looking inward in a very raw way. Before I thought films like this were dumb and weird but I've grown to have a greater appreciation for them since I've made similar things. Ultimately film is a form of expressing and using it to express yourself is cool.

I don't think I could talk about improvements in filmmaking without mentioning Isaac's film. If he didn't act in it I would have thought it was made by a different person. The story, choice of angles, and acting were all much better. Of all things I think it was really the storytelling itself that was most improved. You could tell that although there were some laughs throughout, he was taking the story seriously. I strongly feel that if you don't commit to your work than it will always fall short. If you commit fully and it's horrible than it can still be cringe comedy. However, if you're too embarrassed to be vulnerable it won't be anything, just some boring student film. In this you can really see the effort and heart is in wanting to make a good film and it payed off.


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