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Showing posts from March, 2021

3/21 Production Post

 What I've Learned For this latest film I wanted to try a different approach to my pipeline. Normally if I have music I do it at the very end and most often I don't even do it at all. Lately through watching more TV and movies I've come to gain a greater appreciation of the importance of music. So for this latest film I decided to start with the music. I intended it as an exercise for using music as a story telling tool. I'm not very adept with the creation of music so I got help from a friend who knew all the technicalities. Our process was we would come up with a vibe or feeling we wanted to get from the music and then devise a sound. In reality we just messed around with synthetic instruments we thought sounded cool. In this way the sound took on its own form, one best suited for itself. If we tried using the sounds we had to make the originally intended vibe it wouldn't have worked I don't think. Just another of the many instances where I've learned the ...

End of MP3

 Intention Definition and Exploration of Ideas For this film I aimed at exploring the concept of not knowing what to make. Mostly because I didn't know what to make. In my last film I talked about exploring changes in characters and how they can influence the audience. For the theme of this film it is harder to define due to the fact the topic is the undefined. It is about not knowing what it is. I really became intrigued by this idea of 'meta'. Something that references itself. Most art before the post modern phase was a reflection of reality. An imitation or mimicry of something which already existed. For example: A drawing of a landscape or portrait of a person. However, the post modern phase began to make the art about the art itself. A minimalist piece of simple lines and colors is not mimicking anything perceivable. There are no natural occurrences of this: So the art becomes about the art itself, it is now a unique part of the world. If you ask yourself: well what...