There are two very basic fundamentals of animating. The first is timing, timing is how long it takes for the action that is being animated to get from the start frame to end frame. If you can master this you will be able to create animations that occur over an amount of time that is relative to real life making your animations look like reality to the viewer. However, without good spacing it will not look real. This is because spacing is the location of the object at each individual frame. This is what allows for easing in and out as well as movements that appear realistic when it comes to friction, inertia, gravity, and other forms of resistance or assistance of motion. When both timing and spacing are put together in an effective manner you are able to create realistic like motion. Once you know how to create realistic motion you then are able to exaggerate certain movements to create a cartoon-like effects. This is why timing and spacing are extremely crucial to create animation t...